I've probably already told everyone that reads this, but I was offered to leave in June 2007 if I wanted to. An email was sent to all nominees who had been 100% cleared (medical, dental, legal) asking if they wanted to take a teaching position that leaves in June. It feels like they were scrambling for PCVs. I guess it's what you can expect when most of your organization is run by previous volunteers. Needless to say, I didn't accept any of that. My earliest departure date is August 1st of this year.
I should also add that I've been checking the PC Yahoo! group regularly for people's "I was invited to Togo!" and "I'm leaving for Moldova in May!" messages, and from what I can tell, people have been receiving their invites ~2 months before departure, meaning I could expect mine sometime in June at the very earliest. But who knows, it could be earlier than that.